Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weight Loss: First try

I studied lots of diets. We didn’t have the Internet back then, so I’ve read books and magazines. Talked to people. I wanted to lose fast! I wanted it right away. Somebody gave me a print out of cabbage soup diet. Cabbage BTW is really great for weight loss. I will describe another much healthier diet with lots of cabbage later.
I was determined to lose, I started this diets and it was success. I got tired of that soup of course pretty quickly. I would not recumbent to repeat my experience. One week max on that. Will give you good start for something bigger. But you will not enjoy that week. Food wise at least. The funny part that you can eat it as much as you want.. great, the problem is that after all day of eating it, you just do not want it anymore,,
I got on this diet as soon as I came back to the US. And man I was losing. It was great, I started to fit into my old clothes. Sometimes in the middle of this, my ex got invited to Russian embassy on some art show, concert and reception. We went. With the reception they went completely overboard. They had Champagne fountains, all kid of caviars, smoked fish (sturgeon) was presented as a whole with face and everything on the big plate. They had all kinds of cheeses and salami. They had pate’s and foie gras. They had all kinds of pastries and desserts. And I was stack with bottle of water. My soup was waiting for me at home. I am still proud of myself. At this point I new, I was going to make it thin.
In a week later I got pregnant and had to quit extreme dieting for a while.


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