Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weight Loss: Keeping it Off

Keeping weight off is just like sailing for me. Have you ever sailed?? To keep on truck you go a little bit to the right and the a little bit to the left. That’s how you stay on the course. If you go too much to the side, you need to adjust. For me keeping weight in limit is just like sailing. I get on scale every morning, if I weight too much, I adjust my diet to low carb, eat protein and veggies. Forget about sweets breads, pasta, even fruits for couple of days. Then my weight goes down, and I adjust back to more joyful eating. The key is not to go too far. Just to keep sailing in healthy weight.


Honeybee said...

Hi, it's so inspiring to read about other people weight loss success story. It's kind of motivate us to do the same. I would like to feature your success story in my blog, if you don't mind.

Best wishes,
Healthy Beautiful Blog

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