Monday, September 5, 2011

Weight Loss: Gaining

I do not need to eat to gain weight I can just look at dessert and gain… When I turned 22 I came to US. My size was 10-12.. I was dancing until last day in Russia. But as soon as I came to US I stopped dancing, I was lost, I didn’t speak English, and Internet didn’t exist back then. My first goal was to learn English enough to survive. I spent 6 hours a day in school and another 5 hours doing my homework. Sitting on my butt. My butt was getting bigger and bigger. My eating habits didn’t change a bit, maybe even got worse, I was discovering new food, and it was fun to try new stuff. I was introduced to avocado, peanut butter, all kids of dressings and cereals. I tried different pizzas, pies, and donuts…. OMG donuts!!!! Muffins… I was thrilled by fast food chains like Burger King, Taco Bell, we had McDonalds in Moscow,, I loved BK whopper. Again I just love French fries,, can have it instead of dessert anytime. No surprise there I started to gain. Gaining usually goes slow,, almost unnoticeable,, I didn’t have scale back then, just didn’t think about that. First my pants were too tight, and then I needed new pants. I successfully got into firm size 12. My ex husband was actually very happy about that he likes voluptuous girls.

Skinny people do not understand how easy it is to gain few sizes and continue gaining.
I’ve heard comments: how is it possible? Didn’t you notice that it was getting out of control? Why didn’t you stop eating?
Well… it is very difficult to break old habits, very difficult. Once you get really big, it is really difficult to lose anything, so some just give up and stay this way. Some are getting on crush diet struggling. Lose successfully some wait and then gain again..
Vicious circle.


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