Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weight Loss vs. Quitting Smoking.

My husband is trying to quit smoking for few years. It is very difficult. I was trying to motivate him. He got mad at me at some point, saying: “You do not understand addiction! You never smoked!” I told him: “I quit eating. So I understand.”
Is food addiction is really as bad as smoking addiction? Can we even compare quitting smoking and losing weight?

My husband clams: it is very difficult to walk on the street and smell smoke. He immediately wants to light up. Well. Imagine you are on strict diet; you walk on the street with restaurants. You smell something fried yumm, something grilled, very yumm,,, Pastries,, OMG,,, You walk on the mall, you smell cinnamon bun, French fries,, is it more difficult, or I am imagining it?
My husband says: It is very difficult to go out or to the party where some other people smoke. He wants to join them,, ahahaha have you ever being on the party dieting? Especially on the party with really good food! Everybody, not just some people, are eating. Right in front of your face! And again…. that very delicious smell of food awhhhh…. It gets more tempting when I am dieting. Have you ever noticed this phenomenon? I’ll tell you one story later of my unbelievable self-control on one reception. I am still very proud of myself.
My husband claims that he always wants to smoke, when he has a drink,, well drinking is usually going very nice with hors d'oeuvres or cheese. Not to mention that driking it self can pack lots of weight on us.
When people have kids, they normaly do not smoke at home. But they cook. They cook yummies that are not compatible with any diet, Smiley face pancackes, cookies, fries, mac and cheese,,
And finally: Nicotine stays in human body for 2-4 days, in very rare cases it can stay for 2-3 months. After that addiction is in our heads.
Smokers can go cold feet, we do not need to smoke to survive, but we NEED FOOD to survive. And for me:
The appetite comes during a meal. (The Russian expression)


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