Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weight Loss: Speed

There are many websites on the Internet promising fast weight loss. On my experience fast lost pounds are coming back as fast and bringing friends with them, unless you do it as part of larger plan. I’ll talk about crush diets later.
Fast weight lost is critical when it is matter of life and death in the situation when you mast lose weight or you are going to die. I know one lady who had gastric bypass surgery because she had to lose weight fast, based on her health situation. She lost tones of weight fast! She is very thin now,,, but her skin didn’t go anywhere. She lost her weight faster than her skin was capable to shrink. Now she has lots of skin hanging and cannot do anything with that. She does not want to go under plastic surgery. Losing tremendous amount weight fast and keep skin tight can be done in very young age. Once we are over 25 we have to think not only about losing fat and gain mussels; we have to think about our skin. With age our skin loses elasticity. Slower weight loss and supportive undergarment can help to avoid skin hanging. My granny was telling me after pregnancy to wrap towel tight around my waist to help tight back skin all the time as much as possible. I could use her methods while I was at home. Nowadays there are plenty undergarments available. One of my friends sleeps in spanks every night,,, she is over 50. Her figure and skin looks like teenager skin. She is size 2,, use to be size 12. I tried to do the same,, cannot do it,, it is too tight and uncomfortable for my taste,, I also value my comfort,, eheheheh
With age slower metabolism slows down weight loss process. I guess it was planned for a reason! As always, Mother Nature is very wise. I also used some coco butter that is recommended for pregnant women to avoid stretch marks,, moisturizing and massage can help shrink skin back during weight loss process. There is one more benefit of slower weight loss: slower lost pound do not come back fast.


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